what we do
10,000 MWEDO members meet every week in groups of 20-25 individuals to save, start small business activities, and create change both for themselves and their communities.
More than 500 MWEDO self-help groups are currently in place across North East Tanzania.
Self-help groups provide our Maasai communities with access to finance and credit, support productive, climate smart agricultural practices and enable members to work with local government to secure the land rights and registration that will unlock their future prosperity.
Our self-help groups are simple, relationship based and supportive but what they unlock for their members is extremely powerful.
Over 6,300
women have improved their financial literacy and business skills through MWEDO's self-help groups
businesses have been established through the savings and credit schemes that members operate.
women have secured land ownership as our community members have understood and claimed their legal rights.
The challenge of access to education facing the most underserved pastoralist women and girls often feels overwhelming for our members.
MWEDO responded in 2011 by establishing a girls’ secondary school, which serves not only as school but also as a safe house for girls running away from harmful traditions such as early/forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
Our school’s success is not measured in grades or percentages but in the development of individuals ready to explore possibilities, meet life's challenges, solve community problems, and always rise to their potential.
All our students reach or exceed individual learning goals aligned with national standards and high school graduation requirements and their families and community are rightly proud of their achievements.
Over 1200
girls have now accessed secondary education as a result of MWEDO's work and 55 of our students have graduated from college or university
MWEDO and the Mobile Learning Lab in Tanzania
Tanzania has one of the highest numbers of maternal deaths in the world. In rural areas of the country, where many Maasai people live with little access to health care, nearly half of all births occur without a skilled attendant.
MWEDO works with traditional Maasai midwives to develop strong links with and increase referrals to hospitals. We conduct community outreach and education to ensure that every mother and baby has the support they need.
Our medical staff, Traditional Birth Attendants, and community health workers work seamlessly across the entire community to provide integrated services to those living with HIV and to prevent new cases of HIV/AIDs (including preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child).
OVER 10,000
KIPOK Medical Facility, our beautiful, fully equipped primary healthcare facility, is managed in partnership with the Tanzanian government. It supports over 10,000 women and children and provides access to primary healthcare for individuals and families across the broader Maasai community.
We reach 30,000 people each year through our Community Healthcare programs which take our healthcare work out into the most rural areas, supporting positive health behaviours, helping our members to understand risks and providing good information to young people about sexual and reproductive health.
Endomononi - a film made by Every Mother Counts